You would recall that sometime last year, a nurse by name Trudy EwuraAma Marcel was sacked from her job after a video of her went viral because she went on Facebook Live during ‘working hours’, an action she later stated in an interview that she regretted.

Most people called that she be sacked as she had defiled the ethics of the nursing job but after some weeks, she was reinstated and work back to work. Sometime last year October, it was even reported that Trudy’s home had burnt down into ashes.
What even pissed most Ghanaians who always love to hold certain moral standards was when another video of her boyfriend fondling with her breasts on Facebook also went viral again and many questioned if indeed she was qualified to be a nurse.
Well, Trudy is back again in the news as a new video, sees her sharing her experience on the best sekz positions to give a guy so you can get an iPhone from him.
In the video, a friend of hers is heard asking in the background what sekz position she would give if she needed an iPhone. She’s heard saying, iPhone was not that much of a big deal, so you don’t have to add any serious style to the sekz craft.
They then move on to iPhone 6, iPhone 7 plus and then the latest one iPhone 8 plus. We must admit, it’s one hilarious video and we at shared it with you because of its humorous nature. I think it’s funny.
Watch the video below, who knows, you could learn a new style from it.
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